The introduction of 5G technology does not only mean changes for network users, such as fast data transfer, but also a revolution in the production of various goods and services. This is the fourth digital revolution for which companies need to prepare thoroughly. How are business and production management in various companies changing under the influence of new technologies?
Dr. Eng. Tomasz Krawczyk, an expert at DELab UW and the Platforma Przemysłu Przyszłości, talks about the impact of new technologies on the process and organizational change in companies, answering questions from Dr. Justyna Pokojska about:
– the definition of Industry 4.0 and its pillars,
– the use of cobots and 5G technology,
– the effects of Industry 4.0,
– the organizational structure of Industry 4.0 and its similarities to the project (agile) form of working,
– the interdisciplinary nature of the teams and their dispersal,
– the changes that the pandemic has brought to processes and organisations,
– the purpose and possibilities of digital twins,
– the scope of the Industry 4.0 revolution,
– the effects of the new work culture,
– environmental gains associated with Industry 4.0 and „green solutions”,
– the inevitability of changes brought about by the idea of Industry 4.0.